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They were a great company 20 years ago. Now they are terrible. I moved websites to a new host. Cancelled domain reg. Closed account. Got billed for SSL when I have NO SERVICES with them. They refuse to refund SSL as it was more than 15 days ago. I closed account a month ago. Contacting support, account is still open, they refuse to refund. RUN AWAY! THEY ARE SCAM! THEY WILL ROB YOU BLIND! If they were honest I would not write this review.
This hosting company is awful. Been with them for years but I've had enough. The last straw was removing imagemagick without any notice or explanation. Good luck resizing or thumbnailing images if you are on a shared plan. I checked usr/local/bin to see what shared libraries were still left and they pretty much wiped out everything. When I contacted tech support they arrogantly responded that there is no guarantees regarding any software support. Heck, why not just remove php and perl while you're at it guys! Run don't walk from these clowns.
My client had registered their domain with the, We have been trying for 18 months to transfer it to another registrar and they have not allowed that to happen.
Probably the WORST host around. Stay away from these guys.
Their support team doesn't know. They don't learn. They don't care.
Every single time I have a support issue with them, the first thing I hear is - oh, your site isn't hosted with us! Why? Because I have SiteLock for my security (their partner, by the way) and so SiteLock's IP is in the A record. It's a redirection. But no - no one in their team has figured this out in the last two years.
So then we go through the same nonsense every time - back and forth emails, back and forth phone calls, manager, senior tech person whatever. This is before they can ever GET to the actual support issue!
If you value your sanity even slightly - STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY! (that's not a typo). A better name is A DO NOT SIGN UP!
After years of abysimal service I am done with this hosting so called service! They just renewed my basic hosting plan for another year in April 2022 and I will happily quit & eat the $108 to be free of this nightmare company. They deleted all my contacts on my iPhone (tech support at an Apple store confirmed it was the server & not Apple). Additionally confirmed because all contacts are gone using the mail client on my pc. and they "will not & do not restore lost contacts". Great huh? They can loose my contacts but not restore
For the past 5 years I have been working with hosting a website for a client. Every single time I try to login (after a month or so) my credentials no longer work and it takes days of hastles to fix the issue yet they never resolve the real issue
I've been a professional in this business for 22 years, and have _never_ dealt with a worse registrar in terms of their online portal, product management, or technical support. I have been a paying customer for more than 10 years, and... I just can't do it anymore. As a professional systems administrator for a public /16 and more than 150 individual companies, I will not use again, nor would I recommend it for any of my customers.
I have used nearly all north-american registrars and have consistently had a better experience with every single one. This is a low bar.
I made the decision more than 10 years ago to give a try for my own personal accounts, as it was literally the least expensive at the time. Well as they say: "you get what you pay for." Never again.
Nothing but problems letting this company host my site and domains. The help page does not contain a phone number to call. Had to chat with tech support, which by the way is horrible, and was told there is no phone number to call for tech support. Run from these hacks.
They also charged my card after I closed my account. They made it incredibly hard to transfer my sites and domains. My main site was down for weeks. Real tools they are.
Înregistrare gratuită a domeniului, transfer de domeniu, copii de siguranță zilnice, transfer de site-uri web, CloudFlare CDN, BitNinja Server Security, conturi FTP nelimitate
Suport disponibil 24/7/365 prin Chat, Telefon, Email, tichete furnizează recenzii specializate pentru servicii de web hosting, fiind independent de orice altă entitate. recenziile noastre sunt imparțiale, oneste, și aplică aceleași modalități de evaluare pentru toate host-urile.
Sunt încasate contribuții financiare de la companiile ale căror servicii le evaluăm. Aceste contribuții ce constau în produse sau servicii nu au nicio influență asupra direcției ori concluziei recenziilor noastre. De asemenea, ele nu schimbă cu nimic ierarhizarea companiilor de hosting. Aceste contribuții doar acoperă onorariul reviewer-ilor, costurile de achiziționare ale conturilor și cheltuielile de testare.