Perspective de la experți și utilizatori de la clienții Hostimul:
Founded in 2017 Hostimul specialize in providing professional hosting services. Today, we provide a wide range of services from - website hosting, domain registrations - to renting a VPS and Dedicated servers. At Hostimul we believe that the key to success is to provide professional services to our costumers. Through our activities, we help many companies and individuals to con...
One of the most reliable option. I have not faced any downtime or load speed issues. Technical Support is awseome. They've even fixed an error in my script. The staff is very friendly and they support you even you give some GoT spoiler.
Hey Arfaoui! Thank you so much for the amazing 5 star review!
We're truly grateful for the time you took to share your opinion and we're beyond thrilled that you think the service is very useful! That absolutely made our day!
Grateful for the service and the support they provide
I have used Hostimul for more than a year now and have nothing but praise for everything they offer and have done for me. I was not totally new to website development and such but was not really seasoned either. Hostimul Technical Support has gone above and beyond what I thought possible many times with me. They have offered me so much help that, at times, I feel I paid for the entire year of web site hosting in a day's customer service help.
I have been using Hostimul for over one year and ever had only one problem when they had to migrate one of their servers for a technical reason. They've notified me 3 days before, all of my data was migrated to another within 1 hour. I recommend often them to my clients.
Great pricing and excellent service is the way to go for Hostimul. You must see how patient and friendly staff is, always willing to go the extra mile till my issue is resolved. I would highly recommend this service to anyone who wants good service at great economy.
You will find all you need for your website: free SSL, backup, excelent mail service and a friendly support. I had hosted my website at Bluhost for several years. Now, I get the same service more cheaper.
I've rented three servers and had 20 minutes of downtime once in ten months. They offer cheappest USA based servers with awesome support. I had once an issue caused by OS and had no offline backup. They added additonnal disk drive and transfered my data to new drive without any additional fee. I would send my thanks to the support team again for what they've done, specially to, Felix.
What I liked about Hostimul is their honest approch to the client. We all know that it's technology and it's normal to have some tehcical issues. But the staff was always honest with me about the reason and resolution of the issue. I really appricate it. The service quality is reliable, all needed tools is provided with. Never had downtime within six months.
A pretty good host, although I wouldn't say it's the best, it gets the job done for small personal buisness. Pirces are very competitive. The support is good. They assist you with licehat. Wish to have a telephone support.
Înregistrare gratuită a domeniului, transfer de domeniu, copii de siguranță zilnice, transfer de site-uri web, CloudFlare CDN, BitNinja Server Security, conturi FTP nelimitate
Suport disponibil 24/7/365 prin Chat, Telefon, Email, tichete furnizează recenzii specializate pentru servicii de web hosting, fiind independent de orice altă entitate. recenziile noastre sunt imparțiale, oneste, și aplică aceleași modalități de evaluare pentru toate host-urile.
Sunt încasate contribuții financiare de la companiile ale căror servicii le evaluăm. Aceste contribuții ce constau în produse sau servicii nu au nicio influență asupra direcției ori concluziei recenziilor noastre. De asemenea, ele nu schimbă cu nimic ierarhizarea companiilor de hosting. Aceste contribuții doar acoperă onorariul reviewer-ilor, costurile de achiziționare ale conturilor și cheltuielile de testare.